Conferencia: "Predictive Self-Modeling and the Phenomenology of Psychosis"
"Modelamiento Predictivo del Self y la Fenomenología de la Psicosis" es una conferencia internacional de formato híbrido de 2 días que se enfoca en como los modelos computaciones de procesamiento predictivo que enfatizan la naturaleza enactiva, contextualizada, extendida y corporeizada de la mente pueden informar (y ser informadas por) el enfoque fenomenológico de la psicosis en general, y de la esquizofrenia específicamente. La conferencia pretende, entonces, construir puentes entre la rica tradición fenomenológica aplicada a la psicopatología y los modelos neurocomputaciones actuales de la cognición.
Conferencistas principales:
- Elizabeth Pienkos, Duquesne University, US
- Philip Gerrans, University of Adelaide, AUS
- Jasper Feyaerts, Ghent University, BE
Conferencistas confirmados:
- J.M. Araya (Universidad de Talca, Chile)
- Jimena Clavel (Tilburg University, Netherlands)
- Iñigo Wilkins (Goldsmiths, UK)
- Sonia de Jager (University of Rotterdam, Netherlands)
- Manuel Ugalde-Duarte (Universidad de Chile, Chile)
- Clara Humpston (University of York, UK)
- Sohee Park (Vanderbilt University, US)
- Anna Ciaunica (University of Lisbon, Portugal)
- Mauro Senatore (Universidad Adolfo Ibañez, Chile)
- Nika Mavrody (Independent Researcher, US)
- Manuel Reyes (Universidad de Chile, Chile)
- Rob Sips (Maastricht University Netherlands)
- Federico Buongiorno (University of Lisbon, Portugal)
- Joe Barnby (Royal Holloway, UK)
- Sam Wilkinson (University of Exeter, UK)
Envío de trabajos:
Resúmenes de 500 palabras (más 3-5 palabras claves) deben ser enviados a
El evento es gratis pero la inscripción previa es obligatoria en Eventbrite. Al registrarse, por favor indique la modalidad de asistencia (online o presencial)
Equipo Organizador:
- Pablo López-Silva, PhD - Universidad de Valparaíso, Chile
- José M. Araya, PhD - Universidad de Talca, Chile
- Cherise Rosen, PhD - formerly University of Illinois-Chicago, USA
Esta conferencia es realizada gracias al apoyo del proyecto ‘Back to the Self: On how the study of Delusions offers opportunities for mutual enlightenment between hierarchical self-modelling and phenomenological psychopathology’, parte del Proyecto ‘Renewing Phenomenological Psychopathology Project granted by the Wellcome Trust (Discretionary International Exchange Award / 223452/Z/21/Z)’.
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"Predictive Self-Modeling and the Phenomenology of Psychosis" is a 2-days hybrid international conference focused on how predictive processing models that stress the enacted, embedded, extended, and embodied (4E) nature of error-minimizing agents can inform (and be informed by) the phenomenological approach to psychosis in general, and schizophrenia more specifically. The conference aims at stablishing bridges between the rich tradition in phenomenological psychopathology and current neurocomputational approaches to the mind.
Keynote speakers:
- Elizabeth Pienkos, Duquesne University, US
- Philip Gerrans, University of Adelaide, AUS
- Jasper Feyaerts, Ghent University, BE
Confirmed speakers:
- J.M. Araya (Universidad de Talca, Chile)
- Jimena Clavel (Tilburg University, Netherlands)
- Iñigo Wilkins (Goldsmiths, UK)
- Sonia de Jager (University of Rotterdam, Netherlands)
- Manuel Ugalde-Duarte (Universidad de Chile, Chile)
- Clara Humpston (University of York, UK)
- Sohee Park (Vanderbilt University, US)
- Anna Ciaunica (University of Lisbon, Portugal)
- Mauro Senatore (Universidad Adolfo Ibañez, Chile)
- Nika Mavrody (Independent Researcher, US)
- Manuel Reyes (Universidad de Chile, Chile)
- Rob Sips (Maastricht University Netherlands)
- Federico Buongiorno (University of Lisbon, Portugal)
- Joe Barnby (Royal Holloway, UK)
- Sam Wilkinson (University of Exeter, UK)
Call for Abstracts:
500 words abstracts (plus 3-5 keywords) should be sent to
Although the conference is hybrid, in-person presentations will be preferred.
The event is free of charge but requires registration at Eventbrite. When registering, please state the nature of your attendance (online or in-person)
Organizing Team:
- Pablo López-Silva, PhD - Universidad de Valparaíso, Chile
- José M. Araya, PhD - Universidad de Talca, Chile
- Cherise Rosen, PhD - formerly University of Illinois-Chicago, USA
This conference is kindly supported by the project ‘Back to the Self: On how the study of Delusions offers opportunities for mutual enlightenment between hierarchical self-modelling and phenomenological psychopathology’, part of the Renewing Phenomenological Psychopathology Project granted by the Wellcome Trust (Discretionary International Exchange Award / 223452/Z/21/Z).
- School of Psychology, Universidad de Valparaíso, Chile
- Instituto de Investigaciones Interdisciplinarias, Universidad de Talca, Chile
- Project FONDECYT Regular Nº1221058 ‘The Architecture of Delusions’ - National Agency for Research and
- Development (ANID) of the Government of Chile
For more information: